Omak kau maso kocik-kocik dulu suko amek makan tolo ayam montah. Pantang donga ayam botolo, copek yo dio poie kek potaghang ayam. Di ambek e tolo ayam yang baghu kelua tu, tu jujut e tolo e jam tu gak.
Need to translate? haha.. I was about 3 or 4 years old. Somehow I still remember the time when I went under my pillared house where the sarang ayam was placed and squeezed my tiny hand under the belly of the frightened hen to reach for the still-warm egg. I knocked the tip of the shell off with whatever thing hard enough and once did I just sucked it out straight into my mouth. Sometimes one was enough. Sometimes I had two. I enjoyed the taste and I didnt care much about sucking whatever it was that came with it. I was just 3 or 4, wasnt I?
My mom and dad were of course furious but couldnt do a thing about it. Thinking about it now, if they were to stop my habit, they should have killed all the chicken. But they loved the chicken more I think.
But I stopped eventually, not because of them but because I mistakenly took a rotten egg and gobbled it into my mouth. My parents were relieved but I really missed my adventures.
Now, when I scolded my children for consuming too much eggs, they would replay the story.
At least, we eat cooked eggs...
Okay, enough about that.
My children like to eat telur and like to eat sambal. And to make things easy for me, I always combine them together.
5 biji telur digoreng mata kerbau
1 biji bawang besar *
2 ulas bawang putih *
1/2 cm halia *
1 sudu besar tomato sos
1 sudu besar air asam jawa
2 senduk pes cili kering
1/2 tin kacang panggang
1 sudu kecil serbuk RASA (optional)
Blender bahan yang bertanda *
Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan kisar sampai naik bau. Masukkan pes cili kering. Goreng sehingga masak.
Masukkan tomato sos, air asam jawa, serbuk rasa dan garam. Gaul rata.
Akhir sekali masukkan kacang panggang bersama sosnya. Tambah sedikit air jika terlalu kering. Padamkan api dan curahkan ke atas telur yang sudah digoreng tadi.
Ni lauk emergensi.
tolo ayam...semuo kek umah ni suko,stok sentiaso ado...buleh gak cubo respi kakpah ni..heheheh!
always a good, warm friendly read here kak pah :) rustically nostalgic to this time ;) have a good day kak pah :)
sedapnya tengok kak pah...yummyyy
Kak Pah..
kita suka baca citer, errr maap ya wlpn ada a 'lil bit gross makan tulur ayam frsh from the chicken a** itew...muahahah....ada soklan..
Apa tu "kek potaghang ayam"?
apapun lauk K Pah mengancammmm...
tak penah lagi tengok kacang panggang masak sambal Bundo. tapi kitorang kat rumah pun masak kacang panggang as lauk emergency jugak..hehe. masak kacang tu pastu pecahkan telur, kacau dah siap. :) senang and sedap.
isk..lapar lak nampak menu ni..tumpang makan leh?
tolo... tak makan dek zaman.
good day to u too.
potaghang ayam? hehe.. tempat ayam bertelur dan mengeramkan telur tu kitorang panggil potaghang ayam..
cahaya indah, cubalah
boleh... silalah..
Salam Ibundo...
Nostaligia betul!! hehehe anyway tak pernah terfikir nak msk kacang panggang togather2x blh try out thks for sharing ibundo :)
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