Thursday, March 14, 2013

kurma tulang tumis darat shiela style

Stumbled upon this recipe by shiela when I was head-scratching from what to cook for lunch. It was way far too  different from what I usually made. The ingredients, ways of coking it really made my curiosity stood up and won.

To thicken the sauce, I usually use candlenuts and thick coconut milk.  Shiela uses almonds and cashew nuts and just 200gm of ideal milk and water. Amazing. My head went off to kenduri kahwin where they usually serve kurma curry with thick sauce but most of the time the sauce taste more like too much rempah kurma. It spoiled the whole dish.

I, myself seldom cook kurma dish merely because of the strong smell that sometimes killed our appetite. But tell you what, try this original recipe by shiela and see the difference.

For the recipe, you have to go to SPICES JOURNEY and get it yourself. Copying and pasting is not allowed and I am too lazy to copy it word by word. But I did a little amendment though.  Just a little. Instead of using 1 kilo of tulang, I used 1/2 kilo tulang and 1/2 kilo daging cuting into big sizes.
If you have pressure cooker, use it because it takes soooo long to have them tender and good to bite.

Thank you sheila for always giving an eye-opener recipes. You are one of my pakar rujuk haha.. And congratulations too for your appearance in aroma again.

Care to have some?



  1. Salam ibundo...nampak menyelerakan je tulang kurma tu..hari tu tgok kat dapur kak sheila mmg menguda :-D

  2. Resepi dari dapur Sheila memang best kan Bundo! Banyak yang boleh dikongsi terutamanya resepu turun temurun yang diwarisi dan dipelajarinya dari ibu & mentuanya....

  3. mmmm...sedapnya ibundo nie...makan ngan nasi panas2 wow...bestnya...

  4. salam ibundo...mmg best2 menu kak shiela...mmg kena dgn selera :)

  5. yeh yeh...senyum lebar hari ni dapat tgk entri Bundo...skeaping london laiiii...tabik spring kat bundo...nak sesenduk kurma buleh ko?

  6. sury, kena cuba tu.

    Amie, semua best. Macam amie juga takde kurangnya.

    Yan.. makan dgn roti pun jadik.

    Asma, memang selalu kena goda.

    Mar, masa tak ada nak buat n3 baru. Sibuk manjang. Nak sesenduk? Amek la....

  7. La kak..cakap omputih lak dio ni....hehheh

  8. Selamat sore bundo, izin untuk mempraktekkan resepnya ya, terimakasih sebelumnya.

  9. Assalam Bundo.. terima kasih kerana menaruh kepercayaan pada saya dan sudi mencuba. Terima kasih juga pada teman teman yang menyokong. Alhamdulillah.. :)

  10. As salam. Semua orang dah pandai ambik gambar cantik cantik. Ajar lah kita macam mana cara ambik gambar ni. Guna kamera apa

  11. wah sedapnya Bundo saya ni suka tulang2 macam ni tapi penghuni umah tk suka tulang pulak jd jarang lah masak tulang2an ni hee dpt rasa Bundo punya mmg sedap ni

  12. lama tak jamah lauk kurma...sedap err kak..

  13. Wah! menyelerakan... kalau dpt kurma ni sah bertimbun2 nasinya...
